"Bridgid's distance Reiki session for me was amazing! I could feel my jaw release, my belly gurgled as I relaxed, and my third eye opened as my 3-day migraine finally released! As a Reiki Master Teacher since 2004 I've had dozens of sessions from practitioners from all over the world and this one stood out from the rest! I could sense when she started, where she was working on my body, and when she ended. The cards she pulled for me matched my situation perfectly and the messages she received from Spirit were spot on! I highly recommend!" Christine Renee, President of ReikiCafe University
"I received distance Reiki from Bridgid following a surgery, this helped with my pain control, breathing, relaxation and quickly healing and recovering. Doctor’s were amazed! I can’t thank you enough for the support and love that you’ve sent me.”
A 9 yr. old boy had frequent foot and leg pain and was an angry child since he was two. Following Distance Reiki, his mom shared that, “During the session, he was peaceful, relaxed and could feel unusual sensations in his legs and feet. He took a nap that day, which is very unusual! His pain decreased a little, and with time and more sessions, I trust he'll continue to improve. The weeks following, he continues to be calmer, more positive, laughing and joking more easily. I’m so happy that he wanted to work with you! I see him improving and growing each day! This is truly amazing, thank you!”
“Reiki was a spiritual awakening and an amazing healing experience! Five stars all the way for Bridgid!”

“I had pain in my right bicep for well over a year. Bridgid performed Reiki on me specifically focused in this area. It was immediately better! I highly recommend Bridgid’s services!”
“Bridgid, you are a miracle. I remember as your physician telling you these words as I reviewed your brain CT scan from your initial head injury. I believe that you are unique in your positive approach to your recovery, your dedication to sharing your experience, and your commitment to helping and motivating others to overcome their own life obstacles and adversity. I deeply and sincerely admire your efforts and your positive attitude in dealing with a truly difficult and challenging personal experience so that they can benefit from your experience, wisdom, and wit. Although we sometimes are witness to events that are miraculous, sometime the real miracles are people like you.”
-Dr. Andrew G. Lee, MD